Kings County Warrant Search
How to Run a Kings County Warrant Search
The idea of having a warrant issued in your name can be quite unsettling. Most of the time people don't realize they have one until its too late and they get arrested at an inconvenient time. These is an easy way to avoid this type of situation and get in front of an active warrant before it upends your life. You have more than one option when doing your research and running a Kings County warrant search. The first step is to determine if you have a potential bench warrant or arrest warrant. While both are equally important to address immediately, a bench warrant will not always result in someone's arrests, where the latter most certainly will.
Warrants are considered public information, this means that you have more that one option when researching if you or someone you know has one. The main resources that are available to everyone are the county courts, the county sheriff department, and various third-party public record websites. We will go through the various ways to access these resources and show you how to deal with a warrant issued in your name.
Types of Warrants: Arrest vs. Bench
In all NY counties, there are two main types of warrants: arrest warrants and bench warrants. Each type serves a different purpose and is issued under different circumstances. While each are processed by the courts, it's up to law enforcment to address the Kings County arrest warrants and up to the individual to handle their respective Kings County bench warrants. Here is a breakdown of each of these types:
Arrest Warrants: A Kings County arrest warrant is always issued by a judge or magistrate. The issuance is based on a sworn affidavit provided by law enforcement or the District Attorney's office. This affidavit must show, with sufficient evidence, that there is probable cause to arrests someone of an alleged crime or criminal act. Once issued, an arrest warrant gives law enforcement the authority to arrest the person named. This can happen anywhere at any time, whether it's the person's home, workplace, or in public.
Bench Warrants: A Kings County bench warrant is issued the majority of the time when a person fails to appear in court. This could be for a scheduled hearing, trial, or any other court order. These are not issued for alleged crimes, which means they do not typically result in someone's arrest. However, ignoring a bench warrant can lead to additional legal consequences, making it crucial to address it promptly. These are searchable through the NY judicial website or through various other third-party resources.
How to Search For Kings County Arrest Warrants
If you need to check for an arrest warrant for Brooklyn, you have a few options. You can use either state, county or privately run online resources to access warrant records for Kings County NY. Here are the available options that you can access either online, or in person:
1). Call the Criminal Courts Hotline: First, you can call the Criminal Courts information line that can assist you with looking up active arrest warrants for Kings County. You must call between 9am to 5pm Monday through Friday to access this resource. The phone number to call is (347) 404-9400
2). Visit a Police Department: While this option is typically reserved for turning yourself in, it can be helpful to find out if you have a warrant issued in your name. You must bring a valid ID and be prepared to surrender yourself if you choose this option.
3). Use a Third Party Resource: Using a non-government resource is also and option. Since warrants are considered public records, you don't need to just use the state or county resources to lookup this information. By using a third-party resource, such as a public records website, you can search anonymously and get in front of a warrant before being arrested. This will give you a chance to find out for certain and potentially hire a lawyer to help you out with either surrendering yourself or potentially mitigating your circumstances.
What Should I Do If I Have a Warrant in Kings County NY?
Having an outstanding warrant can have very serious legal implications. It can lead to your arrest, and potentially a conviction. If you discover that you have a warrant, the first step is to consult with an attorney. They can help guide you through the process and help you understand your rights and help you petition your situation in court. Ignoring a warrant will not make it go away and can lead additional charges and jail time.
Are Kings County Warrants Considered Public Record?
Yes, they are considered public records in every county and state in the US. This means that anyone can view anyone's warrants online without needing to ask permission. They do not go away and until they are dealt with they can be found by anyone online with a simple name search.